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Halley, John M.; Sgardeli, Vasiliki; Triantis, Kostas A. (2014) Extinction debt and the species-area relationship: a neutral perspective: Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23, 113-123. DOI:10.1111/geb.12098 (IF2013 7,242; Q2 )
Thorrold, Simon R.; Afonso, Pedro; Fontes, Jorge; Braun, Camrin D.; Santos, Ricardo S.; Skomal, Gregory B.; Berumen, Michael L. (2014) Extreme diving behaviour in devil rays links surface waters and the deep ocean: Nature Communications, 5, -. DOI:10.1038/ncomms5274 (IF2013 10,742; Q2 )
Machado, Leonardo F.; Nunes, Donzilia; Avila, Madail; Vieira, Rui P.; Barreiros, Joao P. (2014) Feeding strategy and trophic ontogeny in Scorpaena maderensis (Scorpaeniformes: Scorpaenidae) from the Azores, NE Atlantic.: Cybium, 38, 163-171. DOI: (IF2013 0,379; Q1 )
Andini, Monica; Andini, Corrado (2014) Finance, growth and quantile parameter heterogeneity: Journal of Macroeconomics, 40, 308-322. DOI:10.1016/j.jmacro.2014.01.008 (IF2013 0,621; Q1 )
Cuvelier, Daphne; Beesau, Julie; Ivanenko, Viatcheslav N.; Zeppilli, Daniela; Sarradin, Pierre-Marie; Sarrazin, Jozee (2014) First insights into macro- and meiofaunal colonisation patterns on paired wood/slate substrata at Atlantic deep-sea hydrothermal vents: Deep-Sea Research Part I - Oceanographic Research Papers, 87, 70-81. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr.2014.02.008 (IF2013 2,825; Q2 )
Barreiros, J.P., Vieira, R.P. & Machado, L. (2014) First record of Alosa fallax (Lac: Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg, 64, 18-23. DOI: (IF2013 0,031; Q1 )
de Matos, Valentina; Gomes-Pereira, Jose N.; Tempera, Fernando; Ribeiro, Pedro A.; Braga-Henriques, Andreia; Porteiro, Filipe (2014) First record of Antipathella subpinnata (Anthozoa, Antipatharia) in the Azores (NE Atlantic), with description of the first monotypic garden for this species: Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies In Oceanography, 99, 113-121. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr2.2013.07.003 (IF2013 2,763; Q2 )
Santos, Mariana; Costa, Pedro Reis; Porteiro, Filipe Mora; Moita, Maria Teresa (2014) First report of a massive bloom of Alexandrium minutum (Dinophyceae) in middle North Atlantic: A coastal lagoon in S. Jorge Island, Azores: Toxicon, 90, 265-268. DOI:10.1016/j.toxicon.2014.08.065 (IF2013 2,581; Q1 )
Bajraktari, Agron; Petutschnigg, Alexander; Ymeri, Muhamet; Candan, Zeki; Korkut, Suleyman; Nunes, Lina; Pereira, Helena (2014) Forest Resources and Sawmill Structure of Kosovo: State of the Art and Perspectives: Drvna Industrija, 65, 323-327. DOI:10.5552/drind.2014.1343 (IF2013 0,444; Q2 )
Di Giulio, A., Fattorini, S., Moore, W., Robertson, J. & Maurizi, E (2014) Form, function and evolutionary significance of stridulatory organs in ant nest beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Paussini).: European Journal of Entomology, 111, 692-702. DOI:10.14411/eje.2014.083 (IF2013 1,076; Q1 )
Belkin, Igor M.; Hunt, George L., Jr.; Hazen, Elliott L.; Zamon, Jeannette E.; Schick, Robert S.; Prieto, Rui; Brodziak, Jon; Teo, Steven Lh.; Thorne, Lesley; Bailey, Helen; Itoh, Sachihiko; Munk, Peter; Musyl, Michael (2014) Fronts, fish, and predators: Deep-Sea Research Part II-Topical Studies In Oceanography, 107, 1-2. DOI:10.1016/j.dsr2.2014.07.009 (IF2013 2,763; Q2 )
Whittaker, Robert J.; Rigal, Francois; Borges, Paulo A. V.; Cardoso, Pedro; Terzopoulou, Sofia; Casanoves, Fernando; Pla, Laura; Guilhaumon, Francois; Ladle, Richard J.; Triantis, Kostas A. (2014) Functional biogeography of oceanic islands and the scaling of functional diversity in the Azores: PNAS - Proceedings of The National Academy of Sciences of The United States of America, 111, 13709-13714. DOI:10.1073/pnas.1218036111 (IF2013 9,809; Q2 )
Francisco, S. M.; Robalo, J. I.; Stefanni, S.; Levy, A.; Almada, V. C. (2014) Gaidropsarus (Gadidae, Teleostei) of the North Atlantic Ocean: a brief phylogenetic review: Journal of Fish Biology, 85, 473-487. DOI:10.1111/jfb.12437 (IF2013 1,734; Q1 )
Rodrigues, Pedro; Lopes, Ricardo J.; Micael, Joana; Resendes, Roberto; Ramos, Jaime A.; da Cunha, Regina Tristao (2014) Genetic and morphometric diversity of the goldcrest (Regulus regulus) -populations in the Azores: Zoology, 117, 383-391. DOI:10.1016/j.zool.2014.07.001 (IF2013 1,596; Q1 )
Rodrigues, Pedro; Lopes, Ricardo Jorge; Reis, Sandra; Resendes, Roberto; Ramos, Jaime Albino; da Cunha, Regina Tristao (2014) Genetic diversity and morphological variation of the common chaffinch Fringilla coelebs in the Azores: Journal of Avian Biology, 45, 167-178. DOI:10.1111/j.1600-048X.2013.00229.x (IF2013 2,235; Q2 )
Lopes, Maria S; Mendonca, Duarte; Bettencourt, Silvia X; Borba, Ana R; Melo, Catarina; Baptista, Claudio; da Camara Machado, Artur (2014) Genetic diversity of an Azorean endemic and endangered plant species inferred from inter-simple sequence repeat markers.: Aob Plants, 6, -. DOI:10.1093/aobpla/plu034 (IF2013 1,743; Q1 )
Correia, P.; Baron, E.; da, Silva J. M.; Cortes, O. (2014) Genetic relationships of the Portuguese Lidia bovine populations: Iranian Journal of Veterinary Research, 15, 364-369. DOI: (IF2013 0,217; Q1 )
Aranda, Silvia C.; Gabriel, Rosalina; Borges, Paulo A. V.; Santos, Ana M. C.; de Azevedo, Eduardo Brito; Patino, Jairo; Hortal, Joaquin; Lobo, Jorge M. (2014) Geographical, Temporal and Environmental Determinants of Bryophyte Species Richness in the Macaronesian Islands: PLOS One, 9, -. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0101786 (IF2013 3,534; Q2 )
Matthews, Thomas J.; Cottee-Jones, H. Eden; Whittaker, Robert J. (2014) Habitat fragmentation and the species-area relationship: a focus on total species richness obscures the impact of habitat loss on habitat specialists: Diversity and Distributions, 20, 1136-1146. DOI:10.1111/ddi.12227 (IF2013 5,469; Q2 )
Louis, Marie; Viricel, Amelia; Lucas, Tamara; Peltier, Helene; Alfonsi, Eric; Berrow, Simon; Brownlow, Andrew; Covelo, Pablo; Dabin, Willy; Deaville, Rob; De Stephanis, Renaud; Gally, Francois; Gauffier, Pauline; Pen (2014) Habitat-driven population structure of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in the North-East Atlantic: Molecular Ecology, 23, 857-874. DOI:10.1111/mec.12653 (IF2013 5,84; Q2 )


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