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Island Labs and Research Centres

CVARG - Centre of Volcanology and Geological Risk Assessment

The geodynamic framework of the Azores, dominated by the play of lithospheric plates American, Eurasian and African, and Atlantic archipelago situation, so often responsible for the registration of adverse weather conditions make this Portuguese region an extraordinary natural laboratory for the development and promotion of Earth and Space Sciences.

 The Centre of Volcanology and Geological Risk Assessment (CVARG) at the University of the Azores, is a multidisciplinary research unit whose activities take place around the prevention and disaster prediction, catastrophes and natural disasters, focusing on cooperation technical and scientific, national and international, in the field of volcanology and related phenomena, including volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, steam explosions, fumes, air pollution and contamination of aquifers, mass movements, floods, floods and tsunamis, among others.

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