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Data on Environmental Perspectives

We created Field Guide to conceptualise, design, and test technologically mediated learning modes in natural environments with children and teenagers living in the Azorean archipelago.

With a team comprising researchers from diverse knowledge domains such as biology, psychology, anthropology, and human-computer interaction, we explored the relationship between the digital realm and the challenges facing biodiverse environments. As a result, the project sought to provide learning opportunities by offering a local audience interactive learning experiences in nature-rich settings.

Through our efforts, we developed four physical outputs, a cultural probe toolkit, a mobile app, an outdoor activity book aimed at teachers and students in the Azores, and a tangible interaction device called Tree Box.

The project started in December 2018 and concluded in September 2022.

Here you may found the outputs of the project and other relevant information.

Field Guide was supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, a Portuguese public agency that supports science, technology and innovation in all scientific domains. FCT project reference number: PTDC/CED/EDG/31182/2017

Project Partners: Regional Secretariat for the Environment and Climate Change (Nature Park of Terceira) and Regional Secretariat for Education of the Regional Government of the Azores

Project Consultants: Maria Figueiredo (Adjunct Professor, Polytechnic Institute of Viseu), Tânia Fonseca (Senior Lecturer, Kingston University London), Paulo A.V. Borges (Assistant Professor, University of the Azores), Nuno Nunes (Full Professor,
Instituto Superior Técnico).

We hope you enjoy learning about Field Guide.


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